31 December 2009


After leaving Iguazu we flew to Mendoza, the wine capital of Argentina. Mendoza itself was a nice city with some great parillas and an enormous city park, where we relaxed on a Sunday. Here are some of our pictures from the city.

Plaza de Independencia

Plaza de Espana

Plaza de Italia

Parque de San Martin

Parque de San Martin

Parque de San Martin

30 December 2009

Day 2 at Iguazu Falls

On our second day at Iguazu Falls we decided to walk the upper circuit route again, this time in the sun. As with the previous day, a butterfly joined us for the journey.

My companion

A sunny view of the falls from the upper circuit

A sunny view of the falls from the upper circuit

Looking down toward the end of the lower circuit

A sunny view of the falls from the upper circuit


After visiting the upper circuit, we headed down to the lower circuit for different views of the falls.

View of the falls from the lower circuit

Look close and you'll see the nose of a toucan!

Getting soaked at the end of the lower circuit walkway

A view from the lower circuit

A view from the waterfront

Day 1 at Iguazu Falls

After arriving at Iguazu Falls we headed straight toward the train and catwalks that took us to the Gangantua del Diablo. On the way, I was joined by a few butterflies who took the journey with me.

Train to the catwalks that brought us to Gargantua del Diablo

Check out the butterfly on my purse!

Catwalks around the side of Gargantua del Diablo

Gargantua del Diablo

Gargantua del Diablo

Gargantua del Diablo

As we were taking in the sites, we noticed some storm clouds gathering in the distance and decided to head back toward the train. The storm clouds were quite impressive and had I been in Oklahoma, these definitely would have given me pause for concern. Doc took this amazing photo of the storm clouds approaching the waterfalls.

Luckily, we made it onto the train before the sky opened up. But the rest of the afternoon was quite rainy. Nonetheless, we opted to walk the upper circuit along the falls and got some great shots in the rainy weather. And another plus ... there weren't any crowds!

The upper circuit in the rain

The upper circuit in the rain

A coati we saw along the way

Getting soaked ... and loving it!

29 December 2009

Buenos Aires - Part 1

We spent the first two days of our trip in Buenos Aires and walked around quite a bit of the city. We visited parks, monuments, museums, a cemetary, and the Plaza de Mayo (just think of Evita).

Japanese Garden in Parque 3 de Febrero


La Recoleta Cemetery


El Cabildo

Plaza de Mayo

Casa Rosada

Torre de los Ingleses

Flower Sculpture in Palermo (A tour guide said this was made from old airplane parts. The petals open during the day and close at night.)


Shortly before Christmas Doc and I went to Argentina. We had a wonderful time visiting cities in this vast country and, of course, we thoroughly enjoyed eating the fabulous Argentinian beef and drinking lovely malbec wine from Mendoza. In the coming days, I'll be posting photos from our trip.

28 December 2009

A Busy Few Months

It's been quite a while since I last posted on the blog. The last few months have flown by. Our lives have been busy with removing wallpaper, painting walls, pulling up carpets, laying new floors, planting spring flowers, removing a detached ceiling and arranging for a new one to be put in (that we didn't do ourselves!), and finally moving into our new place a week before Christmas.

Here's a quick glimpse of some before and after photos:

Bedroom before

Bedroom after

Living room before

Living room with no detached ceiling and removing wallpaper

Living room with a new ceiling and mirrorless fireplace!

Office before

Office after