12 July 2012

Beijing to the Chinese/Mongolian Border

We boarded a train in the evening that took us to the border between China and Mongolia.

 In the  morning we woke to a completely different landscape.

We finally arrived in Erlian and prepared to cross into Mongolia.

Upon our arrival in Mongolia, we switched to the Zarengold train that would take us all the way to Moscow. We had a little while to walk along the platform and enjoy fresh air. We also enjoyed a performance of throat singing on the platform of the train station -- complete with a complimentary Mongolian lager!

11 July 2012

Great Wall

A short distance outside of Beijing we visited the Great Wall--an amazing site. We enjoyed a brief walk along the wall.

10 July 2012

Beijing: Tian'an Men Square & the Forbidden City

We also visited Tian'an Men Square and the Forbidden City.

09 July 2012

Beijing: Temple of Heaven

We also visited the Temple of Heaven.

08 July 2012

Beijing: Jing Shan Park

We visited Jing Shan Park, which has a number of pavillions on a hill, and offers beautiful views of the Forbidden City.

05 July 2012

Beijing: Hou Hai

We also visited the Hou Hai neighborhood. We walked through the winding streets, and along the pond with restaurants and bars, and took a rickshaw ride through the neighborhood.