From Inverness we took a bus to Portree on the Isle of Skye. The island was gorgeous and the landscape was much different than we expected. We opted for Portree as our base since it is the largest city on the island (~ 2000 people) . From Portree, we could explore the island and take a tour of the harbor. The town of Portree was lovely and everyone we met was friendly.
View of the harbor
View from our hotel a little after 10 pm
Another view of the harbor
One of the streets in Portree
Another group doing a harbor tour. The boat we were on was similar to this one.
From Inverness, we took a short cruise on the Caledonian Canal, which leads to Loch Ness. Our boat trip ended on the shore of Urquhart Castle, where we spent some time exploring the ruins. This was one of my favorite parts of the trip.
We recently went to Scotland for a little more than a week. I had heard from family and coworkers that it is a beautiful place to visit, and they were definitely right. We visited a handful of cities and in the coming days we will post some of our favorite photos from each place.
We started and ended our trip in Edinburgh, where we took in most of the big sites.
Edinburgh Castle
Edinburgh Castle and the grounds of St. Cuthbert Parish
This evening there was a huge rainbow across the sky. The full arc was there for about 30 minutes but the edges were visible for nearly an hour. There definitely are advantages to living on a hill when there a views like this!
We get a three-day weekend for Pentacost, so we wanted to take advantage of the extra day. We opted to go to Freiburg, which is less than two hours away. We visited the Cathedral and climbed the tower, walked to the top of the Schlossberg and climbed its observation tower, and wandered throughout the city.
Neues Rathaus
The square around the Cathedral
Historisches Kaufhaus
A beautiful street View of the Cathedral from the Stadtpark
The Schlossberg. The observation tower is visible at the top of the mountain.
View of the Cathedral and old town from the Schlossberg's observation tower
On the Schlossberg observation tower
On the Schlossberg observation tower
The observation tower
View of the Schlossberg from the Cathedral Tower In the Cathedral's Tower
Swiss guy marries American girl. After a year living in the U.S., they pick up and move to Switzerland. These are their adventures in the land of chocolate and cheese.