19 September 2007

Food Musings

Five months ago, if you asked me what I thought about cooking, I probably would have described it as a dreaded, post-workday chore. In fact, I did very little cooking back in D.C.--even before Doc and I married. Since I moved to Switzerland, I have realized that I actually enjoy cooking and--surprise--I'm actually halfway decent at it! I've been experimenting making all sorts of foods that I wouldn't have thought of making on my own a few months ago. Some of the food is quick and easy to make, and others I never could have done when working. There just wouldn't be enough time after work to make the food and eat it before going to sleep. I think the time factor was one of the reasons I dreaded cooking so much before (and probably will again when I work full-time).


One of the things I just can't find here is vegetable shortening, and Crisco is a critical ingredient in two of my favorite fall foods: my dad's yummy apple pie and Betty Crocker's oatmeal cookies. After some searching, I finally found a pie crust recipe that calls for just butter, flour, salt, and water. Yesterday, I had some girls from my last German class over for lunch, and I decided to try out the new apple pie crust recipe with them. It's different than what I grew up with, but quite yummy. I'll definitely make it again.

My first apple pie in Switzerland

My next goal is to find a new oatmeal cookie recipe. This may prove to be a more difficult challenge. Not only do I need a recipe without shortening, but I quite possibly will need one without brown sugar. American-style light and dark brown sugar isn't available here. I'm hoping to find molasses in a store, and then I can make my own brown sugar. So far, I haven't had any luck, but I have quite a few stores left to check.

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