27 April 2008


After we returned from our vacation to Japan, I had to take a week-long business trip to Munich. Munich is just 4 hours away by train. Doc joined me at the end of the week so we could see some of the city. We ate in some beer halls and went to Frühlingsfest, a small fair with rides, sweets, and a beer tent. We saw some of the sites in the old town, visited some of the palaces, and went to Dachau.

Poster for Frühlingsfest inside the Augustiner beer tent

Nymphenburg Palace

View of the Frauenkirche from the tower of Alter Peter

View of the Rauthaus from the tower of Alter Peter

The Glockenspiel at the Rauthaus

Gate to Dachau Concentration Camp

26 April 2008


Himeji was the last city we visited in Japan. Himeji Castle is surrounded by cherry blossom trees, and they were in full bloom when we arrived.

Himeji Shrine

Cherry blossom tree along the moat surrounding Himeji Castle

Himeji Castle and cherry blossoms

In front of Himeji Castle

Koko-en Garden

Crane in Koko-en Garden

Miyajima Island

Doc and I took a short ferry ride from Hiroshima to Miyajima Island and spent the night there. The island has a famous torii (Shinto gate) that at high tide appears to be floating in the sea. At low tide, you can walk out to the massive gate. It was just gorgeous.

Torii of Itsukushima Shrine at high tide

Torii of Itsukushima Shrine at low tide

We also had great fun taking a ropeway over the nature preserve and up to Mount Misen, the highest point on the island. There we saw the monkeys from the sanctuary and beautiful views of the island.

D and monkeys on Mt. Misen

At Mt. Misen's peak

We also enjoyed a Japanese dinner in our room at our hotel and had our favorite dish of the trip in a diner there. It was a Hiroshima style Okonomi-yaki.

Doc and our dinner (This was the small meal option!)

Hiroshima style Okonomi-yaki in the diner window--YUMMY!!!!


Doc and I took the Shinkansen train to Hiroshima and visited Peace Memorial Park and the A-Bomb Dome.

A-Bomb Dome

Looking toward the A-Bomb Dome from Aioi Bridge

The Children's Peace Monument

The Cenotaph, a memorial for victims of the bomb

This tree was about 1,300 meters aways from the epicenter of the bomb blast and survived with burns down its center. It has been replanted at the Peace Memorial Park.


Nara is only about an hour away from Kyoto and was the first capital of Japan. Deer roam throughout Nara Park near the temples.

Kofuku-ji Temple

Doc with the deer in Nara Park

Todai-ji Temple

Buddha at Todai-ji Temple

Some of the 3,000 lanterns at Kasuga Shrine


In Kyoto, the temples were just gorgeous and the cherry blossoms were breathtaking.

The Golden Pavilion

Cherry blossom tree at Kyoto Imperial Palace

Close-up of cherry blossoms at Kyoto Imperial Palace

The "philosopher's walk"

Women at Kyomizu Temple

Kyomizu Temple

A geisha posing for photos in the Gion district

Nanzen-ji Temple

24 April 2008


Doc and I went to Hakone, a town known for its hot springs, nearby volcanic activities, and views of Mt. Fuji. They have an impressive system of trains, funniculars, ropeways, and pirate-style ships to take you throughout the area. Our favorite things were the views of Mt. Fuji and Owaku-dani (an area of sulfurous steam vents).


Mt. Fuji

The ship that took us across Lake Ashi

Cedar Lane in Moto-Hakone

Our Japanese-style hotel room in Hakone

13 April 2008


Tomorrow is Sächsilüüte, a spring festival in Zürich. The festivities began today with a children's parade in downtown.

The final float in the parade was the Böögg.

Tomorrow, following a parade of the guilds, a bonfire will be set near the lake. The Böögg will be at the top of the bonfire. The quicker the Böögg burns and his head explodes, the better the summer will be. I'll miss the festivities tomorrow since I have to go out of town for work, but hopefully I'll catch it next year.

Of course, we can count on Sprüngli to make some cool looking cakes to celebrate Sächsilüüte.

More photos of Japan are still to come ...


We took another day trip about an hour south of Tokyo to Kamakura. The city is a former capital and is full of beautiful shrines and temples.

The Great Buddha (Daibutsu)

In front of the Great Buddha

Washing money for good luck at the Zeni-arai Benten Shrine

Hachiman-gu Shrine

Grounds of the Hokaiji Temple

Joeiji Temple