22 May 2008

Looking Back on the Past Year

It's hard to believe, but one year ago today I moved to Switzerland. That has prompted me to think about what are my favorite things about life here and what I miss from the U.S. (other than family and friends, obviously). So, in no particular order ....

What I love about life in Switzerland
  • Hiking in the Alps
  • Grilling on our balcony
  • No need for a car--public transport takes me everywhere I want to go
  • Companies give more vacation time to their employees than they do in the U.S.
  • Spruengli Chocolates and Luxemburgerli
  • Biking and walking trails are everywhere.
  • Being in the middle of Europe, there are lots of cool places nearby.
  • Not only do you save money by recycling, it is convenient.
  • The landscape is amazing and so different than where I grew up.

What I miss from the U.S.
  • Always understanding what is said around me and to me
  • Oklahoma's spring thunderstorms
  • Cherry blossoms around the Jefferson Memorial
  • Doing laundry whenever I want
  • Political news shows (I know, I must be the only person who would actually miss that!!)
  • Target
  • Good Tex-Mex food
  • English system of measurement
  • Reasonably-priced restaurants

10 May 2008

Spring started

So, we had to wait until May for spring to finally arrive in Zürich, but now we enjoy it even more. We started to eat on the balcony again and have BBQ on the charcoal grill. We also decided to get D a bike and had our first ride last Sunday. Since we don't do half things here in Switzerland we decided to ride around the airport, which is approximately 30km (19 miles). It was great fun, but we ended up pretty tired ... and had BBQ afterwards :)

D and her new M-Budget bike

One of the planes that landed about 100 meters (110 yards, 333 feet (crazy units)) from where we stood