22 May 2008

Looking Back on the Past Year

It's hard to believe, but one year ago today I moved to Switzerland. That has prompted me to think about what are my favorite things about life here and what I miss from the U.S. (other than family and friends, obviously). So, in no particular order ....

What I love about life in Switzerland
  • Hiking in the Alps
  • Grilling on our balcony
  • No need for a car--public transport takes me everywhere I want to go
  • Companies give more vacation time to their employees than they do in the U.S.
  • Spruengli Chocolates and Luxemburgerli
  • Biking and walking trails are everywhere.
  • Being in the middle of Europe, there are lots of cool places nearby.
  • Not only do you save money by recycling, it is convenient.
  • The landscape is amazing and so different than where I grew up.

What I miss from the U.S.
  • Always understanding what is said around me and to me
  • Oklahoma's spring thunderstorms
  • Cherry blossoms around the Jefferson Memorial
  • Doing laundry whenever I want
  • Political news shows (I know, I must be the only person who would actually miss that!!)
  • Target
  • Good Tex-Mex food
  • English system of measurement
  • Reasonably-priced restaurants

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Wow I cannot believe it has been a whole year! You would not miss the political news shows if you were here, the whole Obama/Clinton thing has been going on and on forever, it is a total nightmare, I'm completely sick of it.

Anyway, we miss you here too!