08 June 2008

European Championship

Yesterday the European Championship began here in Switzerland. For the next month, the national football teams for 16 European countries will be playing here and in Austria. In the Hauptbahnhof, there are gigantic figurines of eight of the national teams playing in the tournament. I saw them being built earlier in the week and couldn't believe how huge they were.

A Swiss national team player

Figurines from eight national teams playing inthe European Championship

Also, not too far from our home, we saw something that I thought was just so cute. There were kids playing foosball--but not the usual table version. They were the foosball players!

Human foosball in Oerlikon

1 comment:

mb said...

Those photos are great! The games are on tv here at 11:30am & 2:30pm, so I haven't been able to watch...so i've been taping them.

I love the photos - can you send more?! :)