30 May 2009

Föhn in Zürich

For our anniversary, we went to dinner at a restaurant on one of the hills in Zürich. When the weather is good, there is a gorgeous view from the restaurant. On Friday evening, there was Föhn, a wind that comes down the mountains and makes the mountains look closer than they are. We had a gorgeous view while enjoying our dinner.

from a distance ...

and zoomed in

11 May 2009


The weather is getting nice enough for longer walks and hikes. There are many options in a short distance from our home. We opted for a walk over the weekend that began in Egg, a town about 20 minutes outside of Zürich (and where Doc lived for a few years when he was little).

From Egg we walked over the Pfannenstiel (a small mountain separating Egg from Lake Zurich).

As we began our walk downhill, we had a lovely view of Lake Zürich and the Alps in the distance.

We then took a small path the rest of the way down to the town of Meilen. I was quite surprised by all of the waterfalls along the path.

Once we reached Meilen we opted to take one of the boats back to downtown Zurich. It is great that the boats are included in the public transportation ticket.

All in all, it made for a great Sunday!