19 September 2009


After a day at sea relaxing and reading, we arrived in Piraeus (the port for Athens).

View from the port

In Athens we went on a tour of the city. Our first stop was the Acropolis. There we visited the Parthenon and had beautiful views of Athens. As we left the Acropolis, we stopped at a limestone rock called Areoplagos where St. Paul preached to the Athenians.


Another view of the Erechtheum


At the Parthenon

View from the Acropolis


View of the Acropolis from Aeroplagos

We then took a tour of the city and one of the sites we stopped at was the Olympic Stadium.

Finally, we spent a little time walking through the Plaka neighborhood, visited the New Acropolis Museum, and the Temple of Olympian Zeus.

Temple of Olympian Zeus

All in all, it was a great day in Athens!

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