17 January 2011

Christmas Visitor

I can't believe it is already mid-January and I haven't had a chance to post pictures from Christmas time. We were really happy to have my mom visit. She, however, had a nightmare flight to visit us (including two nights at Heathrow airport) before managing to catch a flight to Geneva followed by a three hour train ride to my place. (It was impossible to get into Zürich before Christmas Eve!) Due to the delays we managed to extend mom's flight a few days, but our oh-so-big plans didn't quite materialize as I finally caught the cold everyone around me at work had before Christmas. Still, we went to see the singing Christmas tree in Zürich, enjoyed some Glühwein and warm chestnuts, had great dinners on Christmas Eve and Christmas and visited the Christmas market in Strasbourg. Here are a few photos we took during the week.

Performers getting prepped for their performance on the singing Christmas tree

A yummy cheese fondue dinner

Mom enjoying cheese fondue

Doc lighting the tree on Christmas Eve

All decked out

Christmas Day in Zürich

Enjoying a walk in the snow on Christmas Day

Christmas dinner: fondue chinoise

1 comment:

Shelly Cole said...

That is wonderful that you were able to spend Such a beautiful Christmas with your mom.