08 May 2011


Doc and I decided to try geocaching for the first time last week. We picked a spot on the hill behind where we live. After a slightly round about route we reached the location where the cache was hidden. We misread the clue at first and spent quite a bit of time searching the ruins on the hill, only to realize that the cache was hidden between two rocks below the ruins. Here are some photos of our first geocaching adventure.

Bärlauch fields along the trails

A nice view of Zürich

Lake Zürich in the distance

Doc checking the GPS to see which direction we need to go

The GPS indicated to follow this trail

We finally reached the ruins and spent a long time searching to no avail

Then Doc checked out these stones ...

... and ta dah, found the cache.

We had great fun and plan to do this more often. It certainly makes taking a walk a bit more exciting!

04 May 2011


We had a suprisingly warm Easter weekend and spent quite a bit of time outside gardening and grilling. We also finally got around to taking the boat ride on Lake Zürich from the city to Rapperswil. It was a relaxing 2 hour ride, followed by a nice lunch and walk around the town. I had heard from many people that the Rapperswil is quite cute, and it definitely was. Here are a few of the photos we took: