28 December 2009

A Busy Few Months

It's been quite a while since I last posted on the blog. The last few months have flown by. Our lives have been busy with removing wallpaper, painting walls, pulling up carpets, laying new floors, planting spring flowers, removing a detached ceiling and arranging for a new one to be put in (that we didn't do ourselves!), and finally moving into our new place a week before Christmas.

Here's a quick glimpse of some before and after photos:

Bedroom before

Bedroom after

Living room before

Living room with no detached ceiling and removing wallpaper

Living room with a new ceiling and mirrorless fireplace!

Office before

Office after

1 comment:

mlmaentz said...

Hi Deirdre!
Finally had time to catch up on your blog. Your new place looks really nice. I love all the renovations/updates you have done. The fireplace looks awesome.