19 September 2007

Food Musings

Five months ago, if you asked me what I thought about cooking, I probably would have described it as a dreaded, post-workday chore. In fact, I did very little cooking back in D.C.--even before Doc and I married. Since I moved to Switzerland, I have realized that I actually enjoy cooking and--surprise--I'm actually halfway decent at it! I've been experimenting making all sorts of foods that I wouldn't have thought of making on my own a few months ago. Some of the food is quick and easy to make, and others I never could have done when working. There just wouldn't be enough time after work to make the food and eat it before going to sleep. I think the time factor was one of the reasons I dreaded cooking so much before (and probably will again when I work full-time).


One of the things I just can't find here is vegetable shortening, and Crisco is a critical ingredient in two of my favorite fall foods: my dad's yummy apple pie and Betty Crocker's oatmeal cookies. After some searching, I finally found a pie crust recipe that calls for just butter, flour, salt, and water. Yesterday, I had some girls from my last German class over for lunch, and I decided to try out the new apple pie crust recipe with them. It's different than what I grew up with, but quite yummy. I'll definitely make it again.

My first apple pie in Switzerland

My next goal is to find a new oatmeal cookie recipe. This may prove to be a more difficult challenge. Not only do I need a recipe without shortening, but I quite possibly will need one without brown sugar. American-style light and dark brown sugar isn't available here. I'm hoping to find molasses in a store, and then I can make my own brown sugar. So far, I haven't had any luck, but I have quite a few stores left to check.

03 September 2007

Regione Ritom Piora

Doc and I went hiking in the Alps this past weekend. We went to an area in the northern part of Ticino called Regione Ritom Piora. From the town of Piotta we took a funicular up to Lago Ritom (1850 m.).

The funicular

Looking to Piora from the top of the funicular station

Lago Ritom is located in a valley in the Alps and is a starting point for a number of hiking trails. We were quite ambitious and opted for an 8 hour hike that included climbing to over 2500 meters. It was completely exhilarating and exhausting.

This part of the Alps is well-known for small lakes in the valleys between the mountains. The lakes were a great treat to see as we were climbing up the mountains. We also hiked through some gorgeous valleys, saw lots of small springs and streams, and even saw some groundhogs (and cows, of course).

Here are some photos we took along the way.

Lago Ritom: our starting point

Our first ascent

View of lakes from our hike (at the top is Lago Ritom)

In the valley

A stream in the valley