08 July 2009

Fronalpstock and Klingenstock

Last Sunday, Doc and I took advantage of one of the Railaway deals for July and went to Stoos in central Switzerland. The nice thing about this Railaway special was that it included a day hiking pass so we were able to use the ski lifts throughout the area. We started out by taking a ski lift from Stoos to the top of the Fronalpstock. This peak overlooks the Vierwaldstättersee (a.k.a. Lake Luzern) and also has a small view of the Zugersee.

View toward the Klingenstock from the ski lift ride up the mountain

View of the Vierwaldstättersee (looking toward Luzern)

View of the Vierwaldstättersee (looking toward the Alps)

Cows and hikers on the Fronalpstock

Doc and I decided to hike along the ridge of the mountains from the Fronalpstock to Klingenstock. The views along the trail were incredible and so were all the wild flowers (which, I'll post in another entry). Unfortunately, I forgot my walking sticks, which made me super slow on the downhill stretches. Lesson learned ... next time I will remember the walking sticks!

Hiking the mountain ridge

Coming onto a field with wild flowers

Looking further along the trail

Looking back toward the Fronalpstock

No way but up

Making my way up the ridge

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